The 2015 Sharecropper Project came to a conclusion on Sunday, April 3 as Arthur Schickedanz of Galten Farms presented a cheque for $8,990 as the profit from the sale of the 241.6 tonnes of corn from the 51 acre growing project. This amount, together with the donations from St. John’s United Church, Oakville, members of…
Chairman’s Comments
During Pastor Roy’s remarks at our Annual Congregational Service and Meeting he mentioned developing a vision for this congregation. In the history of this particular congregation it is unlikely the demographics of our community have changed as rapidly as in the past 10 years. Couple that with every-day pressures of work and family, technological changes,…
Mother’s Day – Presence And Presents
Mothers’ Day will be observed and celebrated on Sunday 8th May. It is a day many welcome with joyful anticipation. Some regard the day with trepidation. Still others view the day with indifference. The mixed dispositions to Mothers’ Day are shaped by, among other things, where one is in life. Those who welcome Mothers’ Day…
Hymn Sing Evening
Do you like to sing hymns? We have an event for you. The Worship and Music Committee will host the next Hymn Sing at the church on Sunday evening, May 29 at 7:00 pm. We will sing some of our favourite hymns with a Pentecost theme. Afterwards, there will be a time of fellowship and refreshments….
Knitting and Crocheting Group
A Knitting and Crocheting Group has formed at Bethesda. Their second meeting will be on Saturday, May 14 from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm in the church hall. Those wishing to join the group may simply add your name to the sign up sheets on the notice boards in the narthex. If you have any…