Monthly Archives: September 2019

Women’s Fellowship Potluck

The Women’s Fellowship will resume their meetings for the fall season on Tuesday, September 24th with a potluck dinner.  The dinner will begin at 6:00 pm in the church hall. All women of the congregation are invited to attend this social event.

Did You Know #3?

2019 is Bethesda’s 225th Anniversary! Following the experience with Rev.V. P. Mayerhoffer in 1837, the church was only occasionally visited by Lutheran clergymen for the next eleven years. In 1846 a letter was addressed to the Ohio Synod in the USA, stating that “the field had been vacant for many years and the people were…

Annual Corn Roast and Campfire

Our Annual Corn Roast and Campfire will be on Saturday, September 14th at 5:30 pm.  We thank the Smith Family for again hosting the event at their farm on McCowan Road.  Along with fresh corn on the cob, there will be hamburgers and hot dogs.  This event, which has been part of our social calendar…