
Annual Congregational Meeting

Categories: Events,Home,Our Programs

Bethesda will hold its Annual Congregational Meeting(ACM) on Sunday April 7 at 11:15 PM, following worship.  It will be an in-person meeting.  Members are strongly encouraged to attend the meeting not only because having a quorum to convene is still necessary but also because your input is important.

The bulletin of reports will be emailed to members well in advance of the meeting. Printed copies will be delivered to those that do not have email.  Members are urged to read the reports ahead of the meeting. If you have questions on the reports you are asked to submit them to the office  before the meeting. The questions will be forwarded to the relevant authors of the reports. This process will facilitate efficient use of time and speedy expediting of the meeting. Questions may still be asked on the day of the meeting.

The ACM is a very important aspect of our congregational life.  It is a time for self-evaluation and holding ourselves to accountability for the stewardship of God’s business.  Through the ACM we have opportunities to reflect on the past year.  Hopefully, we will not only celebrate our positives but also learn from our mistakes.  Also and importantly, we get to project and plan for the future of our congregation.  Therefore the contribution of each member to the discussions is important. Constructive criticism and suggestions are invited as these help us in the process of learning and growing together.

A light lunch will be incorporated into the meeting.  More details to follow.

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