
Garage Sale 2020

Categories: Events,Home,Our Programs

It seems very early to start talking about our biennial garage sale. Well, it is not if the aim is to ask the members of our church to hold their articles and not dispose of them. Many people, at the start of a new year, begin to think of getting rid of stuff they had for a while and no longer want or replace them with new ones. Please save your good articles to donate to the garage sale. Items such as kitchen ware, electrical appliances, furniture, home decorations, jewelry, toys, exercise equipment, etc. are accepted. Past experience shows that books and clothing do not sell well so these are excepted.

The garage sale will be on Saturday, June 6th. The committee will very likely start collecting items from April. So, members are kindly asked to hold their items until then.

The garage sale does make a significant contribution to our building fund. So this is another way of contributing to the building fund without costing you anything and clearing your clutter at the same time.