Bethesda places much emphasis on maintaining its property. This is good stewardship. In the past weeks the Property Committee was busy meeting, planning and effecting work on the church’s property. At present work is going on at the western side of the church. Water was seeping into the church hall from this area. The water damaged the lower portion of the western well in the hall. Members of the Property Committee, namely Bruce Bickerton, John Hendrickson and Herb Berger effected repairs to this wall.
The work to be done on the western external side of the building include, taking out the flagstones, installing three window wells, making covers for the wells, raising the three AC units and backfill the entire area with limestone siftings and replace the flagstones. While the work is being spearheaded by the Property Committee, the men of the church have indicated that they are on board with the project. Good going Bethesda.
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