
Coffee Fellowship Change

The Coffee Fellowship scheduled for January 15 at 1:00 pm will go ahead but the topic of the discussion is changed. The planned guest speaker will present at a later date. We will have a chance to share with each other our family experiences over the holidays. A lunch will be provided. All are welcome.

2024 Sharecropper Project Results

The final tally is in. Bethesda’s 2024 Sharecropper Project raised over $41,000 for the Canadian Foodgrains Bank (CFB) and when matched by the Canadian government amounts to $205,000 in food aid and other support to alleviate hunger in the world. 2024 was the 25th year of our Sharecropper project. With the proceeds from the 2024…

No Worship at Bethesda December 29

Please note, there will be no worship at Bethesda on Sunday, December 29. Please join us for worship the following Sunday, the Second Sunday of Christmas, January 5 at 10:30 AM.

Christmas Worship at Bethesda

Bethesda offers the following opportunities for worship during the Christmas season.  We invite you to join us. Tuesday, December 24 at 7:00 pm – Christmas Eve Candlelight worship with nine lessons and carols Wednesday, December 25 at 10:30 am – Christmas Day worship with Holy Communion (will not be recorded) Sunday, December 29 – No…

Christmas Family Social

Bethesda’s Annual Christmas Family Social will be on this coming Sunday, December 8 at 5:00 pm.  The event is one of the highlights of our times together as a church family.  It is also one of the many ways we celebrate Christmas at Bethesda.  The evening begins in the hall with a Potluck meal and…

Christmas Concert

Bethesda is hosting a Christmas Music Concert on Sunday, December 1st at 5:30 pm.  The concert will feature the musical talents of members and friends of the Bethesda and St. Paul congregations, including some of our young people.  There will be a time for those attending to participate in a sing along.  Preceding the concert…

Every Member In Church Sunday

Bethesda’s annual “Every Member In Church” (EMIC) service will be on November 24th.  The service is usually set to coincide with the Festival of Christ The King Sunday.  This Sunday is the last Sunday of the Pentecost season and of the liturgical church year.  EMIC Sunday was introduced several years ago as a means of…

Sharecropper Sunday

On Sunday, November 17 we celebrate this, our 25th Sharecropper Project in support of Canadian Foodgrains Bank. During worship two local farmers, Clayton Reesor and Luke Burkholder, will give a presentation about their trip to Nepal as part of a tour led by the Canadian Foodgrains Bank to visit some of the organization’s development projects…

Organ Music Recital

We are excited to invite you and your family and friends to attend a special Organ Recital at Bethesda on Saturday, October 26 at 6:00 PM.  There will be performances by Aivars Kalejs, an organist and composer from Latvia, Martina Goehring, a singer and artist from Germany, Vija Kluchert, an organist from Ottawa, and Anita…