T’is The Season Of Giving
It is often said, and justifiably so, that Christmas is the season of giving. There is something about the spirit and mood of Christmas that inspire generosity. Even predisposed scrooges dig a little deeper into their pockets to share with others, even strangers. It should not surprise anyone that Christmas should have this kind of…
Fall Leaves
Growing up in Guyana we became acquainted with the season of autumn through the British education system. Autumn is called fall in North America, for obvious reasons. Called by any name it is beyond debate that it is a most beautiful season, some would say the most beautiful one. Many things make fall the beautiful…
Changing Seasons
There are many good things to say about having the four seasons. As Alice said when we first came to Canada, “I love the seasons. They are like renewals. Each season is different and there is excitement in anticipating and preparing for the start of each new season – even winter. On the back side…
New Life
Spring is associated with new life. After the long, cold, grey sleep of winter, everything springs to life again. Bird could be heard early in the morning welcoming the new day, with their concerts of sweet and varies melodies. The grass is quickly exchanging their brown appearance for green. And of course flowers are beginning…
Seizing Opportunities
Auspicious moments are opportune times for reflection. Numbered among such moments are anniversaries of birth or marriage. In the case of a nation it may be anniversaries of significant events such as Independence or some defining event in its history. Of Course the beginning of a new year is especially opportune for engaging in sober…
Say stewardship in the church and many people automatically think money. Stewardship is about money – but it is significantly more than just about money. The association of money primarily with stewardship has done a great disservice to this rich biblical concept. This association is perhaps one of the biggest stumbling blocks to the church…
The Reformation—History, Our Story
Every year as October comes around it seems almost natural for Lutherans to let their minds turn to thoughts of the Reformation. Though the Reformation did not begin and end with Martin Luther, nor was he the only reformer, his is the figure that stands out when one thinks of the Reformation. This is especially…
Summer Ramblings
It is Friday and according to the weather experts, the warmest day of the summer so far. I am sitting under our gazebo. The sun is shining in all its glory. The weather is warm. I am enjoying a cool breeze. The breeze sets the trees in perpetual motion. The leaves create a pleasant rustling…
Church And Relevance
Our post modern world increasingly questions the relevance of the church to human life. In fact, in many quarters questioning its relevance has given way to outright denial of any place for the church in the world. Many opine that the church has long outlived its usefulness; if it ever had any in the first…
Holy Spirit And Church
In the three ecumenical creeds of the church Christians confess their belief in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church and the communion of saints. As the Day of Pentecost draws closer on the 8th of June it would be worthwhile for us to let our minds dwell on this article of the creeds and…