One Response to "Securing Our Future"

  1. Ester Posted on February 2, 2017 at 10:34 pm

    Pastor, that proverb has always bothered me…it just didn’t seem to fit into a correct lesson/example. I was surprised to hear that parables were only a particular message…what a strange way to put this lesson forth…firstly with deception then followed by a rewarded dishonesty. I understand that we reap what we sow….and, in self preservation, sometimes we need to take some drastic steps….but dishonesty? Pastor Roy, you and I have to talk about this….maybe as an aside at a bible study…surely the Lord could’ve come up with a better example of how to go about this. I looked up the word shrewd, and much to my surprise along with meaning astute power of judgement and cleverness….it also means sharp, biting, mischievous and malicious…I have some new and interesting insights on this parable….but you will have to help me see clearer how his does does not fit as an example of ‘two wrongs actually doing a right”????

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